Here’s how to submit an article to be featured on The Bengal Cat Connection:
Note: After your first article is published, you will receive an editor account. You can continue to submit articles via the method below, or if you’re feeling a little tech savvy, you can follow this guide.
- Define your Topic: Review our topic list spreadsheet and identify something you’d like to write about. If your desired topic isn’t on the spreadsheet, add it to the “desired topics” section of the spreadsheet. We regularly review this and either approve desired topics or deny them (though this is pretty rare).
- Write your Article: If you already have your own blog, it’s important that you don’t copy an existing article exactly. However, you can use modified versions of articles you’ve already written. This will allow you to contribute a number of articles with minimal amount of extra effort.
- Submit your Article: Submit your article via a Document attached to the form below. If you are a new author, please include details about your cattery.
- Wait for the Review: In order to ensure quality, consistency, and alignment with our website goals, we will oversee the editing of every article submitted. We will not take your voice away, but we may make significant adjustments for web readability. The review process could take 1-2 weeks.
- Give your approval: Once our review is complete, you will receive access to your new account at You will be able to log in to view your article and approve it before we post it. Learn more about accessing your account.
- Done! Once posted, we recommend featuring your new article on your social channels… and of course, start thinking about what you’d like to write next!